What you seek is seeking you — Rumi

Work with Oly

Allow me to accompany you gently on your journey home to your heart through nurturing a healing relationship with the Self.

Private Sessions

Healing the human Self while deepening the presence and progressing on the path of awakening. 
Integration of spirituality and the ‘daily’ life. 
Healing attachment wounds and befriending all aspects of the human Self to increase well-being and safety to embrace life. Healing Complex Trauma.

Couples Sessions

Creating a safe and healing space for each person to see another through the compassionate lens while expressing their needs and heart. 

Group Sessions

Awakening together — guided meditations inviting the participants to deepen the felt sense of presence followed by the safe space of sharing and healing in the community.

To book a session or for further inquiries, please email me at:

Cancellation policy: At least 24 hours notice is required to cancel a session without it being forfeited. In case of late arrivals, please email a notification. Without an email notification, the session will be forfeited ten minutes after the scheduled start time.