Hello and a warm welcome

Hi, I'm Oly

It’s so wonderful that you’ve landed on my page. I want to extend the warmest welcome to you. 

Let me introduce myself — I am a lover of all beings and all things, and I am passionate about the nature of reality and the human mind. I trust our hearts and the inner wisdom that knows the exact pace needed for healing to unfold. 

I bring unconditional positive regard and kindness into the healing space to create safety for the more hurting and wounded parts to show up so we can shine a light on them and give them the love and attention they long for. 

I bring interpersonal neurobiology, focusing, parts work, coherence therapy, neuroscience, and years of meditation and ongoing exploration to custom tailor moment to moment what might be the most helpful for my people’s healing journey. Above all, I trust the attuned and kind presence that is the portal to the healing of all — the past, the present, and the future.  

I am also on my healing journey, which helps keep my heart tender and awake. It’s a life journey that can be bumpy, both elating and freeing, and painful and filled with grief. It always comes to LOVE that is our source, and I trust it, and I trust YOU and your unfolding healing above all.

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