Helping people to make sense of their life

Awaken and Heal

About Me

I’m Oly. I am a passionate explorer of human nature and the mystery of consciousness. I keep seeing how the ultimate healing unfolds when we are held in the warm embrace of all-inclusive kindness and tender benevolence. The good news is that it’s always available to us within ourselves. I help people to tap into this powerful source at the core of our being, infused with innate wisdom and boundless love, and live a fuller, more authentic, courageous, and meaningful life from this inner unshakable, always present benevolent compass. When we wake up to our true nature and develop a secure internal relationship with our inner life, it ripples into the world. It permeates our relationships with authenticity, kind boundaries, and meaning. 

May we not forget that we are made of stardust, and we all inhabit the divine spark of the universe. 

How Our Work Can Facilitate Well Being


Healing attachment wounds through developing unconditional positive regard towards oneself


Integrating spiritual experiences of awakening and boundless spaciousness with the functioning daily sense of Self

Emotional Healing

Nurturing a relationship of curiosity, kindness, and acceptance with inner life through deep listening and 'Self in presence'

Tend and Befriend

Befriending difficult emotions and reducing reactivity by listening to their message and honoring the needs they are calling us to meet

Sense of Self

Repairing a healthy sense of Self through grounding, presence, and containment that allows safety to emerge


Increasing a sense of well being through differentiation and linkage of the inner parts that gives rise to vitality and compassion

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